
Bersempena menyambut Hari Ulangtahun Kelahiran ke-2 Dhiya 
hari tu, Mama & Papa bawa Dhiya jalan2 sambil bermesra 
dengan alam di Farm In The City yang terletak di 
Seri Kembangan... dekatt je dengan rumah.

Sambil celebrate bufday Dhiya, of course la Abang Kakak Adik 
pun tumpang sekaki jenjalan sekali.
Okk.. entri ini entri bergambarr....
so biarlah gambar yang bercerita .
Seronok tengok anak2 semua enjoyed menghabiskan masa 
dalam farm ni especially Bufday Girl, DHIYA.

Ok ada Family Pakej tiket RM110 utk 2 dewasa dan 2 kanak. Dapat
minuman Marigold 2 kotak dan 2 tiket Pony Ride sekali..
apa lagi.. jom masukk!

Bufday Girl, Dhiya

 Masuk2 je dah nampak kura2 besar gilerr... yang seronok kat Farm In The City ni (FITC)
penggunjung boleh sentuh dan feeding haiwan2 peliharaan disitu live. Memang teruja sungguh budak2 ni.

katanya : The Dinasour Turtle giteww

boleh pegang2 geli2.. seriously seronok sangat tengok riak wajah Dhiya yg 
jelas terhibur kat sini. suka binatang walopon kekadang takut2 hihihi

Main anak ayamm.. macam la kat umah Nenek tak de kan hihihi.

Boleh pegang2 Burung...

Jinak2 kan semua.

Next Pet Village

Next bagi makan arnab.

cameran woman dapat gak nyelit dlam gambar hihihi

Next Longkang Fishing.

Longkang Fishing pun adoo.. teringat aktiviti longkang depan rumah gakkk..
Danish ngan Dania tukang heboh kocak air, omak eh tunggu sauk ekkekke.
Dapat weh 5-6 ekoq ikan dari longkang depan tu..
bagus la ada ikan kan leh makan jentik2 kurang la nyamuk aedes membiak heheheh.

Pony Ride plak
Ahaa.. entry Tiket family pakej tu dah termasuk Pony Ride utk 2 orang..
so Abang Danish & Kakak Dania la yg dapat naik

Next gi butterfly garden plakk...

Danish dengan aksi tunggu rama2 hinggap kat tangan last2 rama2
tu hinggap kat kepala Mama dia hihih.

Next tengok haiwan reptilia...
ada kawan Rapunzel


boleh pegangg tuu

ada bermacam2 jenis ular... eeiiiiiiiiiii

 Next Fish Feeding... ada swan sekali sebenarnya

Dapat bekas makanan ke Dhiya habis semua dia tonggeng nyer ke air kekekekekek

Dah ronda2 beberapa tempat lepak jap tengaharii.. masing2 penattt.. Delisha pun dah tidur.. 
ada tempat lepakk bawah pokokk..
Danish & Dania masih asyik melayankan bagi makan arnab. Dhiya gi tengok ayam kampung.. comel2 kenit2 macam Dhiya kikiki. Ada kerusi meja leh lepakk kalo penatt uhuh

ok... rehat dulu dari entry PART 1.
Bersambung di entry PART 2...tungguuu!!!

Wah wah ... meriah FB 2-3 hari ni macam2 kawan2 update.. yg pergi bercuti,
yang balik kampung, yang pergi shopping and leisure mesti seronok masing2 kann.

Kiter cuti CNY ni tak ke mana... nama pun CNY makanya bagi can kat team mate
yang berbangsa Cina untuk bercuti meraikan CNY.
So time2 macam ni kitalah kena standby back up diaorang.
Adil la kann.. time Cuti Raya Aidilfitri derang yang akan back up kita...
so orang kata give and take gitew...

Apapun cuti Thaipusam yg lepas dah balik kampung bermanja2 ngan 
Mak dahhh.. so cuti 3 hari ni memang duduk kat rumah je lah 'standby on call' uhuhuhu.

Sambil Mama standby kat rumah.. Dhiya sempat lagi ambik angin dalam 'taman bunga' hokeyyy.
Kemain anak beranak beriadah dalam tamannn.. hihihi
Dhiya asyik masyuk tengok rama2 terbang berkeliaran *tak masuk lak dlm gambar*

Tapi sebenarnya taman yang di maksudkan ialah.... 
jeng jeng jengg.... er tak jauh punnnn... sebelah rumah jekk hik hik hik

Rajin tu Dhiya tolong Papa & Abang cabut 'bunga' dalam tamannnn hihihihi

Kemain sibuk ke hulu ke hilir tolong angkut 'bunga' yang dah siap di cabutt

Pas tu ikut dan dia je nak buh mana.. lain tempat 
orang longgok, lain tempat yg di longgoknyer hihihi

Al kisahh.. rumah sebelah ni bukan le kitaorg saje2 wat amal jariah tolong bersihkan....
tapi sebenarnya... Alhamdulillahh.. 
setelah lebih setahun urusan jual beli, akhirnya
rumah idaman ni dah bertukar  menjadi hak milik kami...
Syukur Alhamdulillahhh...

Pengalaman kali ke-2 proses jual beli rumah.....

kemain banyakk form yang nak di sainn.. hampir separuh body Galaxy Notes tuh.
Lenguh2 tangannnn menyain uhuhuhu

Ni masa mula2 owner serahkan kunci rumah kat kitaorg utk 
allow evaluater masuk dalam rumah.

Lepas dapat kunci tu owner dah tak mintak balik dahh... walhal
rumah tu lum selesai urusan bank. Memang sporting habiss...
So buat sementara kitaorg bersihkan dan buat stor barang2 tak pakai je dulu he he.

Rumput lalang yg suburr... lepas dapat kunci Abang dah start jaga la rumput lalang nya.

Time weekend kalau sempat rajin la 2 beranak ni kerjakan rumah sebelahh...
la ni pun sampai dah jadi 'taman bunga' hihihi 

Alhamdulillahh.... impian sejak mula mendiami rumah yang kami 
duduki sekarang setelah dibeli sejak 7 tahun lepas. 
Berkat doa, usaha dan kesabaran,
akhirnya  Allah perkenankan permintaan kami.
Semuanya atas rahmat dan kasih sayang Nya.

Tahun 2012 kami masuk 'meminang'...
2013 urusan bank... dah Alhamdulillah 2014
akhirnya sah menjadi milik kami. Mujur lah kami
tercepat setahun je masuk meminangg sebab rumah sebelah kanan kami
yang satu lagi tu tahun 2013 dah dijual dengan harga hampir RM400K.
Cepat betull harga mencanak naik uhuuuuu.

Teringat dulu dalam tempoh kami 'mengidam' tapi tabung lom penuh,
aku la  yang paling tak senang duduk asal ada orang datang usha2 rumah sebelah.
Lagi kalau siap masuk dalam tengok rumah memang berdeborr wehhh.
Dalam hati  jangan la beli.. (owner)jangan la jualll... uhuuukkkk
Nak cari rumah baru naik sekarang ni semua harga dah jutaann...
saiz plak lagi kecik dari rumah sekarangg.. mmg tak berbaloi rasa.
kalau dapat berganding sebelah sebelah memang dah memadai dan syukurr bagi kami...
tambah depan rumah lapang tak rumah orang.. field view tu pun mmg faktor penting gak.
Tu yg selalu panjatkan doaa kalau memang rezeki dan jodoh kami mintak dipermudahkan 
untuk kamii.... aminnnn
Sampai la satu hari bila agak2 tabung dah mengizinkan baru la kitaorg gi 'merisik..'
lama gak owner nak bagi jawapann... tunggu, tunggu dan tungguu dengan sabar.
berbulannn jugak lamanya...
last2 satu hari dapat tau owner dah mula open utk juall... 
memang aku la orang palingg gembira siap melompat kegirangan 
dalam rumah wahahahhahahaha!
*sila jgn bayangkan yer*
Ngam2 dia nak jual kami pun dah ready utk beli.. Alhamdulillah.
Memang Allah knows best!

La ni dalam kepala macam2 fikir...
tengah survey2 contractor...
Plan A... Plan B.. Plan C....
macam2 idea.. tapi semuanya bergantung
pada size poket utk diterjemahkan 
menjadi kenyataan.

Sewa rumah area ni pun dah naik dari RM850 sebulan tahun lepas 
kepada RM1300 sebulann tahun ni!
Sejak susur keluar ke Putrajaya/Cyberjaya bukak mmg rega cepat 
je mencanak uhuhuhu.
Tapi nak sewakan pun apa2 hal kena gak repair dulu apa yang patuttt...
nak renovate terus pun bukan sikit modalnyaa...
fuhhh pendek kata memang tak leh tidur dibuatnya 
kalo memikiokan nyer uhuuuuu

Apapun biarlah masa yang menentukannnn .
semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan selepas ni.. Aminnnn


Aha sejak mencuba masak wet butter prawn masa balik johor hari tu mmg teringin nak masak lagi balik rumah kang.
Kebetulan Abang ada beli daun kari dan sotong... terus teringat nak buat lagi!

Petang tu balik kerja Papa gi beli barang2 dapur aku standby jaga budak2 sambil prepare nak masak. Kirim la beli kacang panjang & susu cair (walopon susu cair bertukar jadi susu rendah lemak kekeke).. hasilnya.... taraaaa! Makan dengan salad + sesame dressing dan nasi goreng planta pecah telurr. Pernah makan menu lebih kurang camni kat Q-Thai cyber tu yg datang semangat walopon terlebeyy masin sudaaa kikiki


Ahaa pejam celik pejam celik dah 2 bulan kak ton tak bermaid uhuuuuuu. La ni kat rumah dah kena cari idea  create 'system' utk menambah kecekapan nak handle rutin harian walaupun masih kena improve lagi. Especially bila Tuan Besar request nak dinner kat rumah kalau boleh... ye la kalau tapau pun nak menunggu satu hal... nak makan kat kuar memalam pun satu hal dgn anak nak buat homework bagai. Makan kat luar pun bukan order terus siap atas meja kadang terpaksa menunggu queue order plak jadi sememangnya dinner kat rumah yg paling selesa utk anak2 termasuk mak pak nya sekali huhu.

So hujung minggu dah start ready dengan bahan2 masak. lada blender, bawang blender and bawang kupas bagai kan. Lauk basah pun packing utk sekali masak siap2 so kalau nak defrost terus utk sekali hidang. Stock kuih muih frozen (popia otak2/karipap etc) pun dah standby as variasi sarapan Danish Dania ke sekolah.

Yg best bukan takat tu je... lauk dah siap masak pun Mama frozenkan kekeke. Dah alang2 ada deep freezer (asal2 beli utk simpan stock EBM) so selain simlan EBM boleh la simpan lauk frozen jugak hihihi.

Baru2 ni masak sambal sotong. Kemain histeria melompat2 masing2 bila tau mama masak lauk sambal sambil bauk lada tumis kat dapur kennnn. Sambal tumis Danish biasa la 24 jam mmg ada stock dlm peti ais yg tu biasa tak keluar utk buat lauk just utk Danish kalau dia nak makan 'nasi lemak' dia tu kan so sambal sotong tu masak asing utk lauk hidang. Lepas masak asingkan separuh simpan dlm deep freezer. Agak2 emergency tak sempat masak boleh la keluarkan tinggal perangat je nanti hew hew heww


Wahahaha.. kejap je dah hari Isnin. 
Cuti Thaipusam 3 hari kitaorg balik Johor... kebetulan adik yg duk Penang pun balik Johor
maka berkumpul lah kami sekeluarga dlm cuti pendek ni.
Bila berkumpul ramai2 macam2 la menu makan keluar.. tak renti2 kerja makan jek.
Ada pulak layan tekak org mengidam *bukan I taww*
apalagii.. yg lain pun tumpang sekaki ler hihihi

Bibik dah tak de, 1st time balik kampung bawak balik keta sedan.. 
kalau selalu boleh berguling sorang satu row kali ni kena la adjust kasi muat
3 org dalam satu row... solutionnyerr .....
pepandai la berimpit memasing yek kikiki

Air Asia Travel kit ni beli masa travel gi Sabah.  Memang berguna utk travelling jauh ekk

Sikenit ni kan suka main berdiri kat depan mama.. elok jugak pakai bantal leher ni..
kalo keta benti2 tak le kepala dia terantuk kat dashboard kan hihih

Penyudahnya tengok la Dhiya landing mana..
so anak papa okehh.. bahu papanya jugak nak dibuat bantalll hisk hisk 

Hari Sabtu tu Mak nak belanja makan kat restorang sea food. Pagi surver nak gi booking tengok tutup plakk.. penyudahnya beli seafood dari peraih masak sendiri kat rumah.
Memang puas hati la.. beli berkilo-kilo ni.
Udang & siput gongong fresh dari kelong.. udangnya masih melentik2 lagi 
masa bawak naik keta... peraih siap naik bot gi kelong.. maklum laa
geng kamceng Abang aku kennn... order on the spot gi sauk hihihi.
Balik umah buat Wet Butter prawn

Tak lupa order belangkas... Puyuh goreng nenekkk.. ikan Abang aku pancing kat lautt.. Ikan pipi besar
katanya.. suh adik aku masak kari penang.. perghh mmg bertambah2 makan kesedapann.
Kupang 10 kg licin ratah anak beranakk.. siput gongong 5 kg... udang 2 kgg..
belum Mee bandung & wat steam boat lagi *lupa nak snap*

ABC Jagung leleh berapa kal ibeli hihih..

Wet Butter Prawn

Siput gongong 5 Kg, kupang 5 kg pun licin diratah wehh.. tak dan nak snap pon kikiki

ABC Jagung Leleh

Burger Kambing

Kari Penang powerrrr

Puyuh goreng salut tepung meletopp! 

Adik aku dr penang cam biasa kalo balik macam2 dihangkutnya selagi boleh 
hangkuttt kikikiki.

Seronok sangat jumpa adik beradikk.
 Memang 3 ari duk kampung kerja makannn je wehh!


Terbaca perkongsian di FB semalam.. sangat hebat artikel ni..
jadi nak share juga dengan rakan2 blogger yg lain.
Happy reading!

My wife and I had 12 children over the course of 15 1/2 years. Today, our oldest is 37 and our youngest is 22.  I have always had a very prosperous job and enough money to give my kids almost anything. But my wife and I decided not to.

We raised our family in Utah, Florida, and California; my wife and I now live in Colorado. In March, we will have been married 40 years. I attribute the love between us as a part of our success with the children. They see a stable home life with a commitment that does not have compromises.

Here’s what we did right (we got plenty wrong, too, but that’s another list):


  • Kids had to perform chores from age 3. A 3-year-old does not clean toilets very well but by the time he is 4, it’s a reasonably good job.
  • They got allowances based on how they did the chores for the week.
  • We had the children wash their own clothes by the time they turned 8. We assigned them a wash day.
  • When they started reading, they had to make dinner by reading a recipe. They also had to learn to double a recipe.
  • The boys and girls had to learn to sew.

Study time

  • We had study time from 6 to 8pm every week day. No television, computer, games, or other activities until the two hours were up. If they had no homework, then they read books. For those too young to be in school, we had someone read books to them. After the two hours, they could do whatever they wanted as long as they were in by curfew.
  • All the kids were required to take every Advanced Placement class there was. We did not let entrance scores be an impediment. We went to the school and demanded our kids be let in. Then we, as parents, spent the time to ensure they had the understanding to pass the class. After the first child, the school learned that we kept our promise that the kids could handle the AP classes.
  • If children would come home and say that a teacher hated them or was not fair, our response was that you need to find a way to get along. You need find a way to learn the material because in real life, you may have a boss that does not like you. We would not enable children to “blame” the teacher for not learning, but place the responsibility for learning the material back on the child. Of course, we were alongside them for two hours of study a day, for them to ask for help anytime.

Picky eaters not allowed

  • We all ate dinner and breakfast together. Breakfast was at 5:15am and then the children had to do chores before school. Dinner was at 5:30pm.
  • More broadly, food was interesting. We wanted a balanced diet, but hated it when we were young and parents made us eat all our food. Sometimes we were full and just did not want to eat anymore. Our rule was to give the kids the food they hated most first (usually vegetables) and then they got the next type of food. They did not have to eat it and could leave the table. If later they complained they were hungry, we would get out that food they did not want to eat, warm it up in the microwave, and provide it to them. Again, they did not have to eat it. But they got no other food until the next meal unless they ate it.
  • We did not have snacks between meals. We always had the four food groups (meat, dairy, grain, fruits and vegetables) and nearly always had dessert of some kind. To this day, our kids are not afraid to try different foods, and have no allergies to foods. They try all kinds of new foods and eat only until they are full. Not one of our kids is even a little bit heavy. They are thin, athletic, and very healthy. With 12 kids, you would think that at least one would have some food allergies or food special needs. (I am not a doctor.)


  • All kids had to play some kind of sport. They got to choose, but choosing none was not an option. We started them in grade school. We did not care if it was swimming, football, baseball, fencing, tennis, etc. and did not care if they chose to change sports. But they had to play something.
  • All kids had to be in some kind of club: Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, history, drama, etc.
  • They were required to provide community service. We would volunteer within our community and at church. For Eagle Scout projects, we would have the entire family help. Once we collected old clothes and took them to Mexico and passed them out. The kids saw what life was like for many families and how their collections made them so happy and made a difference.


  • When the kids turned 16, we bought each a car. The first one learned what that meant. As the tow truck pulled a once “new” car into the driveway, my oldest proclaimed: “Dad, it is a wreck!” I said, “Yes, but a 1965 Mustang fastback wreck. Here are the repair manuals. Tools are in the garage. I will pay for every part, but will not pay for LABOR.” Eleven months later, the car had a rebuilt engine, rebuilt transmission, newly upholstered interior, a new suspension system, and a new coat of paint. My daughter (yes, it was my daughter) had one of the hottest cars at high school. And her pride that she built it was beyond imaginable. (As a side note, none of my kids ever got a ticket for speeding, even though no car had less than 450 horsepower.)
  • We as parents allowed kids to make mistakes. Five years before the 16th birthday and their “new” car gift, they had to help out with our family cars. Once I asked my son, Samuel, to change the oil and asked if he needed help or instruction. “No, Dad, I can do it.” An hour later, he came in and said, “Dad, does it take 18 quarts of oil to change the oil?”  I asked where did he put 18 quarts of oil when normally only five were needed. His response: “That big screw on top at the front of the engine.”  I said “You mean the radiator?” Well, he did not get into trouble for filling the radiator with oil. He had to drain it, we bought a radiator flush, put in new radiator fluid, and then he had to change the real oil. We did not ground him or give him any punishment for doing it “wrong.” We let the lesson be the teaching tool. Our children are not afraid to try something new.  They were trained that if they do something wrong they will not get punished. It often cost us more money, but we were raising kids, not saving money.
  • The kids each got their own computer, but had to build it. I bought the processor, memory, power supply, case, keyboard, hard drive, motherboard, and mouse. They had to put it together and load the software on. This started when they were 12.
  • We let the children make their own choices, but limited. For example, do you want to go to bed now or clean your room? Rarely, did we give directives that were one way, unless it dealt with living the agreed-upon family rules. This let the child feel that she had some control over life.

In it together

  • We required the children to help each other. When a fifth grader is required to read 30 minutes a day, and a first grader is required to be read to 30 minutes a day, have one sit next to the other and read. Those in high school calculus tutored those in algebra or grade-school math.
  • We assigned an older child to a younger child to teach them and help them accomplish their weekly chores.
  • We let the children be a part of making the family rules. For example, the kids wanted the rule that no toys were allowed in the family room. The toys had to stay either in the bedroom or playroom. In addition to their chores, they had to all clean their bedroom every day (or just keep it clean in the first place). These were rules that the children wanted. We gave them a chance each month to amend or create new rules. Mom and Dad had veto power of course.
  • We tried to be always consistent. If they had to study two hours every night, we did not make an exception to it. Curfew was 10pm during school nights and midnight on non-school nights. There were no exceptions to the rules.

Vacation policy

  • We would take family vacations every summer for two or three weeks. We could afford a hotel, or cruise, but did not choose those options. We went camping and backpacking. If it rained, then we would figure out how to backpack in the rain and survive. We would set up a base camp at a site with five or six tents, and I would take all kids age 6 or older on a three- to five-day backpack trip. My wife would stay with the little ones. Remember, for 15 years, she was either pregnant or just had a baby. My kids and I hiked across the Grand Canyon, to the top of Mount Whitney, across the Continental Divide, across Yosemite.
  • We would send kids via airplane to relatives in Europe or across the US for two or three weeks at a time. We started this when they were in kindergarten. It would take special treatment for the airlines to take a 5-year-old alone on the plane and required people on the other end to have special documentation. We only sent the kids if they wanted to go. However, with the younger ones seeing the older ones travel, they wanted to go. The kids learned from an early age that we, as parents, were always there for them, but would let them grow their own wings and fly.

Money and materialism

  • Even though we have sufficient money, we have not helped the children buy homes, pay for education, pay for weddings (yes, we do not pay for weddings either). We have provided extensive information on how to do it or how to buy rental units and use equity to grow wealth. We do not “give” things to our children but we give them information and teach them “how” to do things. We have helped them with contacts in corporations, but they have to do the interviews and “earn” the jobs.
  • We give birthday and Christmas presents to the kids. We would play Santa Claus but as they got older, and would ask about it, we would not lie.  We would say it is a game we play and it is fun. We did and do have lists for items that each child would like for presents. Then everyone can see what they want. With the internet, it is easy to send such lists around to the children and grandchildren. Still, homemade gifts are often the favorite of all.

The real world

  • We loved the children regardless of what they did. But would not prevent consequences of any of their actions. We let them suffer consequences and would not try to mitigate the consequences because we saw them suffering. We would cry and be sad, but would not do anything to reduce the consequences of their actions.
We were and are not our kids’ best friends.  We were their parents.

Credit : quartz

We welcome your comments at


Ya Allah dah masuk minggu ke-2 tahun 2014 baru sempat nak update blog isk isk iskk.
Minta maaf semua tak sempat nak ber -BW... masuk tahun baru ni
sibuk sesangatt sampai rasa nak pinjam tangan cik sotong maskot CIMB tu hihihi.

Walaupun terlambat nak wish jugak selamat Tahun Baru 2014
kepada semua rakan2 blogger dan pembaca setia ! *cewahhh*
semoga tahun ini akan lebih bermakna buat kita semua yaaa!

Tuan tanah pulak, cabaran 2014 dah pun bermula sejak hari pertama 1 Jan 2014 lagi!
Banyak perkara yg berlaku, tak sempat nak update... rasa 24 jam sehari macam tak cukup jek huhu.
Bibik yang ad-hoc buat suprise tak sambung kontrak *kalau cakap2 awal2 kan senang*,
Anak2 yg masuk sekolah... ad-Hoc cari taska untuk 4 DA' sehari sebelum persekolahan bermula.. 
team yg berpindah tempat di ofis....EBM handling... menziarah saudara terdekat di kampung yang baru je kembali ke Rahmatullah semalam... betul2 sama tarikh  dengan pemergian
Allahyarham ayahanda tercinta iaitu pd 10 January 2013, setahun yang lepas...
rindu sangat pada Arwahhh....semoga roh mereka ditempatkan dikalangan orang2 yg berimann...
aminn.. Al-Fatihah

 dan yang lebih mencabar lagi
esok pagi kena seat for BJT Examm... huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
Bos suruh ambik secara paksa rela..
exam ni 2014 baru diperkenalkan di Malaysia bermakna
kitaorg ni pioneer batch yang akan seat exam ni.
Lansung tak sempat nak prepare apa untuk exam dalam keadaan yg superbb busy ni uhuk uhukkk!!!!

Anywayy... ku hadapi semuanya dengan tabah dan +ve!..
terima kasih kepada En Suami yg sentiasa menjadi tulang belakang dan
memberi sokongan padu dalam apa jua keadaannn... kerana dirimu ku jadi lebih kuat!

Ok... sambung 'last minute study' utk exam esok... dah pukul 10 malam pun.
Sampai dari kampung pukul 5 petang tadi ...
gitu gini gitu gini  melayan 4 DAs ni kul 6:30 ptg baru boleh nak selak buku nihh.. 
guanoooo esokkkk uhuukkk!!!

Sambil tu sempat lagii... sungguh la multitaskkk..... sambil study sambil pump...
express pumping 7 min sebelah botol dah penuh. Dah tukar botol lain and
masih continue pump masa ni huhuhuhu

Ok ku doakan rakan2 semua akan lebih berjaya tahun ini... begitu juga diriku semoga kan menjadi lebih 
baik, lebih berjaya dan lebih bersemangat mengharungi liku liku dan cabaran 2014 InsyaAllah!!!
Pejam celik pejam celik cuti sekolah dah nak pun berakhir. Hari ni cuti ambik buku teks sekolah Dania pulak. Semalam cuti bawak Danish dan Dania pergi main ice skating kat Sunway Pyramid. Minggu lepas datang sini derang duk main kat playground sebelah ice skating tu jadinya asyik memujuk je nak pergi uhuuuu.
Memang minggu lepas Dania pun rajin la prektis main roller blade. Lepas hantar Dhiya and Delisha ke rumah baby sitter (maklum la bawah umur) teruslah kami bruch (breakfast + lunch) dan bertolak ke Sunway Pyramid. Sampai2 dalam pukul 12 tengahari jugak... queue beratur beli tiket pun dah panjang.
For info, during school holidays kids entry fee RM25, adult RM30 per entry. Tu sekali dgn kasut utk ice skating.
Aku sempat lagi jejak Daiso sambil abang queue beli tiket utk beli sarung tangan uhuhuhu
Lepas ready tiket and derang buat cleaning terus la masuk dalam tempat skating tu. Aku last main ice skating kat Jepun masa zaman belajar 12 tahun lepas. Seriously dah lupa langsung skill nak berskating uhuhuhuhu. Memang pegang tiang tak lepas2 weh wahahaha.

Danish & Dania pulak 1st time nak ber'ice skating. Amazingly.... lancar je derang meluncurrr!! Wahahahaha kagum jap aku tengok. Jatuh tu tak yah citer la tapi budak2 kan... jatuh, bangun terus meluncur balik dengan girangnyer. Memang rasa berbaloi la bawak budak2 ni sbb pandai gak derang main walopon tak la boleh terpusing2 mcm atlit olimpik tu kennnn hehe

2 jam lebih jugak budak2 ni meluncur sampai merah2 melecet kaki walaupun pakai stoking. Abang pun asah skill... aku jela yg lebih byk jalan pegang tiang... tak pun dipimpin Abang. Tak sanggup plak nak ambik risiko buat show tergolek ala bollywood kat situ ken kikiki

Sebelum balik, lepak2 minum kopi kat The Loaf. Aku yg sememangnya hantu kacang ni mmg tak boleh tengok kacang2 menggunung mcm Mixed Nuts dia  ni. Mmg gerammm je tengok. Kacangnya dimakan2 pun tak luak punya la banyak.
Dah kenyang teruslah balik umahhh... sekiannn la sessi meluncur kali ini hihi


Ahaaa ada lagi kenyg kerja hari ni?
Aku dah masuk cuti shutdown. Abang pun ambik cuti ari ni nak menunaikan hajat anak bujang dan anak dara...

Dalam pada tak de maid ni gigih jugak nak gi makan2 kat luar. Maklum la kalo bertiga  ok lagi... kalo ber-4 dengan si kenit2 2 orang tu mmg kelam kabut sket dibuatnya uhuhu

Minggu lepas dinner company En Husband pun mama tak dapat ikut gara2 malam tak de baby sitter. Kebetulan malam tu Abang boleh plak dapat hadiah pakaian terbaik kategori lelaki dengan tema #color blocking# hohoho. Sporting tak sporting kan laki ku itew hehehe.
So dengan hadiah kemenangan itu Abang belanja la kitaorg dinner kat luar keesokan malamnya. Makan nasi Arab.. kemain suka la budak2 ni kan. Mmg menu feveret tuuu

Malam esoknya plak aku ajak dinner kat luar jugak. Tekak nak makan japanese food plak.. ronda2 kat Shaftbury tutup plak padahal baru pukul 8++ mlm last2 baru perasan ada pizza hut kat situ so terjah pizza hut.
Budak2 ni ajak la makan apa pun...ON jee... pizza hut ada promo menu ada udang kan... mmg licin kena ratah ngan depa ni hihi.
Seb baik 2 kenit pun behaveeee... aman la nak makan hihihi.
Sekian bila angin pus2 gantung kuali dah datangg bila bibik tak dek ni... tak tapau makan kat luar je la  uhuuu


Ahaaaa cuti2 sekolah ni baru perasan rupa2 ada BE timbulll.. 
lama tu BE tenggelammm lemassss ke dasar laut kat blog aku ni uhuhuhuh.
Baru kini dia timbulll.. apapun syukur Alhamdulillah walopon nilainyer secoettt jee.
Jadi la kan buat geli geli hihihii


Cuti-cuti sekolah dimusim tengkujuh... 
Memang mencabar jugak kali ni. 
Bibik balik kampung bercuti sebulann...
Kitaorg pulak balik dari bercuti hari tu bergilir2 'tumbang' uhuhuh.
Aku dah la balik2 semenanjung hari Ahad malam tu esoknya terus ada training 5 hari back to back 
kat ofis. Even public Holiday Selangor hari Rabu 11 dec tu pun training jalan macam biasa...
gi klinik doctor detect demam 38.5 deg tapi gigih gak gi training cam biasa...
maklum laa... peluang macam ni bukan selalu adaa... sekali diberi peluang memang 
rugi nak dilepaskan walaupun badan rasa macam nak rebah sangat2 tapi tetap di gagahkan jugakk
uhuhuh. Abang pulak terkena food poisoninggg uhuuuu. mujur la ada jiran yang sanggup 
jadi baby sit budak2 ni sementara

Seminggu selepasnya pulakk boleh Danish kena lelahh..
pukul 3 pagi hantar pergi neb ke klinik.
Aku terjaga kul 2 pagi tengok dia dah duduk dengan mata terpejam tak boleh
tidur katanya... nafas pun berbunyiiiii... tengok dia nak bernafas pun macam payahh terus
aku kejut Abang suh bawak dia gi Klinik.
Last Danish kena lelah masa dia umur 2 tahunnn ++ kecik2 dulu uhuhuh

Lepas sehari  Dania pulak boleh terkena infection kat pipi sebelah gusi dalam.
Macamana plak bleh terkena infection ni kannn...dah bengkak sebelah muka Dania...
musim2 hujan ni kemain semua virus nak tunjuk 'hero' memasinggg.
Abang pulak demam selsemaa... Dhiya pun selsema belum kebahh... Delisha yg selalu steady 
kali ni berjangkit jugak dengan Dhiya selsemanya dek asyik kena cium dek Dhiya je uhuhuh

Memang lepak betul 2-3 minggu ni... baru tau langit tinggi ke rendah yek tak de helper kat rumah dengan askar 4 orang yg tak sihat ni...uhuhu.
2nd week tu memang tinggal aku je bertahan tu pun sebab dah demam dulu seminggu sebelumnya.
Dapur pun dah start on off on off kejap berasap kejappp tapau je uhuhuhu.

Minggu ni Alhamdulillah semua dah kebahhhhh... 
Memang betul2 dugaan cuti sekolah tanpa helper ni uhuhuhu