
Baru balik dari Berjaya Times Square berhoyeh-hoyeh dengan rakan-rakan ..! he he..!
Walaupun tak semua dalam tentative schedule dapat di laksanakan dek kesuntukan masa dek banyak sangat
aktivity di rancang..! Tu pun tak puas berCHIT CHATT masa sessi Hi-Tea tadi... Demo..hontou ni tanoshikatta...!! Arigatou minasann..!!! And tak lupa many thanks to Mr Hubby kerana bagi GREEN light blink blink..!!  HE HE

Balik tadi turun kat Komuter Serdang Abg pick up since mmg otw balik kerja. Kitaorg pun biasa keluar ikut ofis hour pun :P. Sampai rumah layan budak-budak depan rumah, naik atas cam biasa nampak PC, ON mesti check account Nuffnang dulu...

Baca komen ada gak yg kata menerima nasib yang sama..! Bila check akaun Nuffnang ku.. BLING BLING BLINGG...!!! Status ku dah bertukar semula kepada GELIHATI...!! Ehhh silapp..!! GLITTERATI..!!!


Bila check E-mail berikut ialah reply dari pihak Nuffnang.

Your ticket concerning 'GLITTERATI change to ORDINARY. ' has been responded to.  You can view
this response (and reply to it if necessary) using the information or link below.

Ticket ID: 4CBAAA96
Email: ***
Link to ticket:***

Here is the response made to your ticket.  Please do not reply to this email directly, use the link above
to reply.

Hi Norizan,

Due to our server maintenance last weekend, our crawler that detects blogs with our ad units weren\'t able to complete its tasks and reverted the blogs that they were supposed to check as \'Not Exclusive\' thus reverting your membership status to Ordinary, even though it is not.

We have taken action to rectify this and your membership status has been restored. Earnings which were affected have also been rectified.

We apologize for any confusion and inconvenience caused by this issue.

Robb Chew
Blogger Relations Executive

Nuffnang Sdn Bhd

Ahaa.. terima kasih kepada pihak NUFFNANGG atas respond yg begitu pantass....! Kalau di sebabkan sistem mantenance then di fahami lah sebab-sebab kesulitan yang di alami tu. Seb baikk tak panjanggg rajuk aku... he he he.

Okeh.. dah ceria semula...! Kepada kenkawan lain yg terima nasib sama segeralah open ticket kepada Nuffnang. Rintihan anda mereka dengarr..! 

Anyway, Thank you so much Nuffnang especially to Mr Robb Chew. Dah semangat semula nak wat Entry.. errr.. nak wat topik apa yekk..? he he

Hari ni aku coti..!! Horeyyyyyyyyy...!!
Annual gathering@Ladies Day out bersama rakan-rakan
BFF ku@ Geng2 Ojosama..!! 

Banyak aktiviti bleh buat kat sinih... 
Comsmo's World, GSC, Ampang superbowl.. semuaa adaa...
HE HE HE...!!

Okeh.. nak gerak dahh.. nak catch up Komuter ke KL Sentral.
BRUNCH (Breakfast + Lunch) kat sane..

Jumpa lagi.. babaii!!
Ahad yang menyedihkann...!
Status GLITTERATI NUFFNANG ku dah di tarik balik...???
Apa salahku..??? Apa dosaku...???????? 

Pagi tadi masa cek akaun elok je masih berstatus 'Glitterati'.

status pagi tadi

Sambil-sambil buat kerja... siap memasak naik atas balik cek-cek tengok ...
Status aku dah bertukar ke Ordinary (non-exclusive?)
Tell me why...??

status tengahari tadi

Mula aku aktif semula berblog start tengah tahun hari tu tak pernah lagi status aku bertukarr dari GLITTERATI... tapi kenapa sekarangg..?? 

Yang nak tau apa itu Exclusice Nuffnanger@ Glitterati ?

What is an “Exclusive Nuffnanger”??

An “Exclusive Nuffnanger” is a Nuffnang blogger who has NO advertisements from, mentions of, or links to other ad networks originating from SEA, or any ad networks we deem as competitors on his/her blog.

Ada nampak ke aku tepek iklan lain SELAIN NUFFNANG..? Tak teserlahkah ke'SUCI'an blog aku ni yang SETIA hanya SATU Advertiser iaitu NUFFNANG..??

Baru je berangan nak cash out Nuffnang.. dah la di saat blog mencapai catatan UV terbaik ni jugak BE pun mula lenyap...

Telah ku hantar tiket dan ayat terakhir di dalam mailnya yang di balas pantas *5 star!* berbunyi :

"For mCPM ads, the selection of blogs is entirely dependent on the advertisers\' requirements, and the advertising industry is also highly seasonal, therefore there might be times where there are no advertisers looking for a particular group of bloggers for a while "

Tak dan 2 hari dapat reply.. GLITTERATI ku pula di tarik... sampai hati aku di 'anak tiri'kan setelah berbahagia bersama....

Adakah ini isyarat suruh aku cari ' Mak & Pak angkat' baru......?????